8521 Allentown Pike - Blandon - PA 19510
Tue: 10-8 Wed - Thu: 10-7 Fri: 10-6. Sat: 10-4
Meadwood will open late (1:00 PM) on February 6, 2025.
Selection and Care Tips for Stringed Instruments
These are articles that appeared in a newsletter that Meadowood published in its first seven years. Some contain edits that we've made more recently and some have videos demonstrating the text (videos embedded in web sites was not an available technology in 2000).
Bugs? Finding and treating the problem
Bow mites, also known as museum mites, can cause some problems.
What can I do to escape the perils of dehydration?
One of the most dangerous problems your wooden instruments face.
Why do Instruments Need Periodic Adjustments?
Things that cause wood to move and instruments to need adjustment.
Are used instruments good for beginners?
You should know the benefits and liabilities before going out to look.
What's the correct way to change strings?
There are ways that are more slick and effective than others.
What distinguishes instrument grade wood?
It is different from the stuff you find at a lumber yard in a lot of ways.
Why and where do instruments crack?
Violin familiy instruments, guitars and mandolins crack predictably.
How do I protect instruments from summer heat?
Heat is neck-in-neck with dehydration as a risk to your instrument.
What should I do with my instrument at festivals?
Tips on keeping your instrument safe and available.
What qualifies someone to work on instruments?
Working on musical instruments requires expertise & attention to detail.
What should I look for in an instrument case?
How to choose the right combination of price, weight and protection.
How often should I change strings?
It depends on the sound you are seeking and your experience level.
Will air travel damage my instrument?
There are steps you can take to protect it and, now, laws to protect it.
What is 'intonation' and why should I care?
If your instrument can't produce correct pitches, you won't sound good..