8521 Allentown Pike - Blandon - PA 19510
Tue: 10-8 Wed - Thu: 10-7 Fri: 10-6. Sat: 10-4
Meadwood will open late (1:00 PM) on February 6, 2025.

Mike Andrews
Teaches at Meadowood: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat
One of Meadowood's proprietors, Mike offers instruction in beginning through intermediate mandolin, and beginning guitar and ukulele. Mike performs in a two-piece acoustic band, “Mike & Paula,” with his wife, Paula Taylor. Mike accompanied the Druckenmiller Family on their CD, Morning Star.
Mike studied mandolin under string-wizard, Robin Bullock and music theory at the Peabody Institute. Mike studied guitar playing and additional music theory with Gene Cullison.
Mike uses the skills he acquired from this study, along with method books to help his students learn to read music if they do not already. He uses recordings and demonstrations to help students develop the aural skills necessary to play by ear. Mike is most familiar with folk and bluegrass mandolin styles.